Local Singings

Please confirm all listings with local contacts.

Brattleboro: (3rd Sundays), 3:00-5:30 pm, St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 16 Bradley Ave. Contact: Matthew Wojcik, 802-246-1008, mwojcik@earthlink.net. FaceBook/Brattleboro Sacred Harp

Bread and Puppet/Glover:  Every Tuesday, 7:00pm (May-August), Bread and Puppet Farm, 753 Heights Rd./Rt. 122, Glover. Contact: puppetvolunteers@gmail.com

Burlington:  (1st and 3rd Wednesdays), 6-8pm. September-May: First Baptist Church, 81 St. Paul Street. June-August: Oakledge Park, South Pavilion. Contact: Larry Bingham, laurencearthurbingham@gmail.com, 413-429-5367. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sacredharpcommunity/. Email: bshsteeringcommittee@gmail.com

Charlotte: (4th Sundays), 12:30-2:30, Charlotte Senior Center, 212 Ferry Road. + Gospel Shape-Note. Contact: Kerry Cullinan, kclynxvt@gmail.com, Mark Williams, markewilliams@gmail.com.

Claremont: (3rd Saturdays), 2-4:30pm – Claremont Creative Center, 56 Opera House Square, Claremont, NH 03743. Contact: Colleen Hayes, colleenannhayes@gmail.com. 

Derby Line / Greensboro / Lennoxville: (3rd Sundays), 3:00-5:00
Greensboro, Church Fellowship Hall: Oct. 20, Dec. 15 (tentative), Feb. 16, April 20
Derby Line, UU Church: Nov. 17, Jan. 17 (+Decadent Dessert potluck), Mar. 16, May 18
Contact: Judy Carpenter, judylc140@gmail.com, Unitarian Church

Middlebury: (2nd Sundays), 1:00-3:00, June-October location: Rec Park Pavilion, Mary Hogan Way, Middlebury. November-May location: McCullough/Mitchell Green Lounge, Old Chapel Way, Middlebury College. Contact: FaceBook/Middlebury Shape Note Singers, MiddleburyShapeNote@gmail.com or David Rosenberg, rosenber@middlebury.edu, 802-989-4387.

Montpelier:  (1st Sundays) 1:30-4:30, Taplin Auditorium, Christ Episcopal Church, 64 State Street. Contact: Rachel Rudi, rachel.b.rudi@gmail.com, 802-498-8229.

Norwich:( 2nd & 4th Sundays), 1:30-4:30, Parish Hall, St. Barnabas Episcopal Church, 262 Main Street, next to the green in Norwich (1/2 mile west of Exit 13, IS-91). Contact: Daniel Hertzler danhertzler@gmail.com / 802-674-6963

St. Michael’s College: (3rd Sundays), 1:00 – 3:00. McCarthy Recital Hall, 1 Winooski Park, Colchester. Contact: Elizabeth O’Dowd. eodowd@smcvt.edu. (802) 363 3627

 (2nd Wednesdays), 6-8pm – Lake Champlain Waldorf School (Upper School), 122 Bostwick Road, Shelburne VT 05482. Contact: Sage Chase-Dempsey. 781-572-6688. s.chasedempsey@gmail.com.